Tuesday 7 October 2014

Weekend ka vaar ( Saturday)

Like every weekend, this time it was a hard "Vaar" by Salman to the housemates.

a. Actual personality or not?
When Salman asks the housemates that it is your actual personality inside the house or not? Everyone says yes,Gautam doesn't say anything,but Karishma says yes,and shakes head as no. Classic            in-congruence of body language. When anyone says anything and shakes head as no ,it means that person doesn't believe in what he/she just said.

Salman then asks specifically to Gautam, if he is being genuine or not. Gautam wanted to say something else, but he keeps quite for a while and then says it is his original personality which clearly indicates that he is lying.

b. Danger Aasan
Now, with majority of votes Gautam sits on the Danger Aasan. Salman starts speaking on What Gautam did, Why and how etc. Karishma was shown just for a sec or two . It is expected that she'd be either angry or sad about the incident, but instead she shows contempt,which means either she thinks herself as superior or Gautam as inferior. She also wants to mask it with a grim look. 

b. Concealed Anger
When Salman starts to ask the family member,about how they cornered Gautam, and why Karishma couldn't forgive him. Karishma becomes angry she starts her sentence with "Sir" and ends it with "Salman",implying she is angry upon the statement.

c. Confession Room 
Now Salman calls Karishma to the confession room, She says hi and gives the micro expression of fear,suggesting she is scared she might get another lecture from him. 

Karishma is generally very impressive. She talks a lot with her hands, but we see decrease in the hand gesture ,when she says "Ye do hafte mein itna bada ho gaya na Salman" She plays with her Bracelet which is called manipulator,meaning not having confidence in one's word. 

d. Eviction
When Salman says Gautam is safe,he becomes very happy, but when he informs Sukirti that she is safe, she doesn't seem that happy. She knew somewhere down the heart that she is going to be evicted. Look at the sadness masked with smile.

When Salman says Gautam and Sukirti one of you is going,then Gautam conceals his smile ,which shows he knows he is not going to be evicted. 

We know .., who's out now. 

We'll have a look on others also because everyone's Body Speaks Better. 

If you have any specific question drop it on the comments.

Stay tuned for more...


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