Monday 6 October 2014

Red chilly? who's hurt!

The task was challenging and so were the teammates. Let us see,what actually happened there.

a. Beginning of the rage
The continuous effort of Karishma to irritate Gautam was finally successful . He furiously punched on the seat which catches her attention to put more chilly on him. The steady glare with pressed lips tells us he has started feeling angry.

b. Anger on peak
Gautam could not control his anger and screams at Karishma. Karishma immediatly retreats and goes to other side. 

c. Humorous till now...
Karishma finds it amusing and giggles while going to the other side. 

d. Not so humorous
Agitated by Karishma's reaction, Gautam uses slang twice . Now this is the area to be paid attention to, had she really felt bad about it she would have reacted instantly. We see no reaction to it,instead she screams on Natasha and then after nearly 25-30 seconds after the incident,she shouts on Gautam. 

e.  The "Sorry"
Gautam says sorry when comes to his "senses". And he genuinely says sorry as we can see he looks down after saying it,which tells us that he is feeling guilty about the scenario. 

f. Now I realize! 
Karishma was just not ready to accept any statement for Gautam. She also pointed out that he touched her,which was not allowed in the task ( also very late response). This reaction which is late may make us feel that it is being used as a weapon by Karishma. 

g. Guilty 
Gautam now chooses to not to say something , but now the look says that he is feeling bad about what happened, but Karishma is not ready to accept it.

h. Continued
In the evening when everyone sits to discuss the event, Karishma doesn't seem like a victim. She keeps on pointing Gautam for whatever he did was wrong, he touched her which was not allowed, he used slang on National TV. Finger pointing during discussion is not at all considered decent. 

i. Willing to subjugate
We see Gautam extending hands towards Karishma while discussing about the event. He gives palm up gesture which means ready to subjugate to the situation. It shows the willingness to accept, he is being receptive. 

j. I'm really really sorry.
Gautam seems very sad about his deed and we can see real guilty on his face. Gautam has acquired very less space , his shoulders are low , he is looking down and away implying he has no confidence for his action and is genuinely sad. 

Slang or any bad behavior is never permitted but if someone is really asking for forgiveness , people should consider it and move on. 

But yes, if you are making a big deal out of a small thing , we'll know 
you fake anything and we'll know, because Body Speaks Better.

1 comment:

  1. very bias report. ps. i m not a karishma fan
