First of all, wishing all of you a very happy and prosperous new year. May this year gives you insight to know the unknown.
After so may days, we have something interesting in Bigg Boss 8. In the luxury budget task" Freeze", we caught some expressions which were true from the heart and some which were faked to their best.
1. Puneet
When he sees his wife, he immediately calls her name with surprise. In surprise, we typically see eyebrows going up and and open mouth. We can also see surprise in Ali's face.
2. Karishma
Karishma was unsure when Puneet's wife came to her. But when she says she wants to hug Karishma, Karishma closes her eyes with a smile, which symbolizes the acceptance of hug. Also, she gets emotional during the hug, which she quickly controls.
3. Diandra enters
Pritam is surprised seeing Diandra here, but if we see Gautam, surprise is missing.
In the next moment we see, Pritam's surprise is still continued , now with a smile. Whereas, Gautam is flashing a micro expression of fear here, which is being masked by a smile. Now, why is he scared of Diandra, that we don't know.
4. Diandra- Karishma
When Diandra says Karishma, about the confession room talk ( Whom to save) . Karishma gives an expression of surprise, to convince Diandra that she hasn't done anything. Anyway, we know, the truth, that Karishma did say she wanted to save herself, But here, we are looking at the body language and micro expression. If Karishma is truly surprised, the eyebrows would have gone up, even a little bit , which is being faked here,
When Diandra says Karishma, she is coming across like Selfish and self-centred in the show, we catch a quick curling of lips,that too one sided. This one sided smile here is a micro expression of Contempt, which is implying she is happy to hear that.
5. Diandra- Gautam
When Gautam is "released" by Bigg Boss after the "freeze", we don't see any excitement in any of his actions, signifying he is not happy to see Diandra. He also closes his eyes and puts his hands on the face,covering face means not wanting to see whatever is happening. The other thing to notice here is Diandra's feet. The legs are pointing towards Gautam. And immediately after the "freeze" , she moves towards Gautam. She definitely likes Gautam too much.
We see in the picture Diandra , moving ahead of Gautam, and also touching the neck area. Actually, the area she is touching is known as Suprasternal Notch, the area below the neck where the collar bones meet. It is a self soothing gesture, to comfort oneself during nervousness. So, we know that Diandra is also nervous but in a happy way, to meet Gautam.
If we see here, we can see Diandra and Gautam sitting in a coffee table, but if we look closely, Diandra is very comfortable in her seat, whereas Gautam looks really uncomfortable. Another thing to notice here, is how Gautam is pushing himself back, as if he has been sticked to the back of the chair. This way of sitting of Gautam tells us, he doesn't want to be associated with Diandra at all.

A moment later, Gautam is smiling here with Diandra, but look at the hands, which are down and crossed in front of the vital parts , this is again a symbol of nervousness and being uncomfortable. If you look at the legs , they are also pulled back and are not in rest, symbolizing, Gautam wants to get up and doesn't want to be seated there any more. On the other side ,look at Diandra. Her hands are on the table, which shows honesty. Legs are at rest and pointing towards Gautam, meaning, she is wants this date to go on and doesn't want to go back. The body is leaning forward suggesting she is interested in the conversation.

When a person is telling the truth , it is very hard to control the emotions. Here, when Diandra says, whatever happened between them ,was never a part of game, she cries. This sadness (of the idea of using that for the game) is real, because we see oblique eyebrows here. And by baselining Diandra, we know, whenever she gets emotional she becomes very active physically, she moves her hands a lot, shifts her places etc, which also happens here. Diandra is really sad here.
6. Gautam
Now, this is the real surprise expression which we see in Gautam's face, which was missing when Diandra entered the Bigg Boss house. Gautam is surprised here, by seeing his brother Mohit Gulati.
The Bigg Boss 8 is a very nice show to know and read the house-mates Non verbal communications.
We will be posting blogs on other issues, and if you want to know or decode any special case, do let us know.
Stay tuned.