Richard Branson says," There's nothing as company culture, just treat your employee as you want to be treated."
One thing we all want is Respect. It's important for us to be respected, but how many of us actually give respect to others? Sometimes, unknowingly we tend to behave in a way that the person in front of us, doesn't feel respected. Here are 10 quick tips, to show respect in your behaviour during a conversation.
Things to do:
1. Ask Open ended questions
If someone is sharing something with you or even talking to you, you should ask open ended questions. If you ask open ended questions the person will feel that you are actually taking interest. Also, asking open ended questions will make the person more open up and if the person talks more, you both will succeed in making good rapport with each other.
2.. Smile
When you smile, you are welcoming. And when you are smiling during a conversation, it is very accommodating gesture for the other person. A nice and genuine smile will make the person feel comfortable and the person ends up opening more to you.
3. Nodding
To give someone respect, it is also recommended to nod during the conversation. Nodding will tell you that the person is actively listening to what you are saying. Don't bobblehead, meaning nod too much , which might symbolize you are in a hurry and are rushing the conversation.
4. Body Point
One thing we all want is Respect. It's important for us to be respected, but how many of us actually give respect to others? Sometimes, unknowingly we tend to behave in a way that the person in front of us, doesn't feel respected. Here are 10 quick tips, to show respect in your behaviour during a conversation.
Things to do:
1. Ask Open ended questions
If someone is sharing something with you or even talking to you, you should ask open ended questions. If you ask open ended questions the person will feel that you are actually taking interest. Also, asking open ended questions will make the person more open up and if the person talks more, you both will succeed in making good rapport with each other.
2.. Smile
When you smile, you are welcoming. And when you are smiling during a conversation, it is very accommodating gesture for the other person. A nice and genuine smile will make the person feel comfortable and the person ends up opening more to you.
3. Nodding
To give someone respect, it is also recommended to nod during the conversation. Nodding will tell you that the person is actively listening to what you are saying. Don't bobblehead, meaning nod too much , which might symbolize you are in a hurry and are rushing the conversation.
4. Body Point
Have you ever noticed a person , when you are talking t them, only the head is on your side, the rest of the body isn't. Well, if you didn't, notice henceforth, and if you did, that means the person is not into the conversation at all. It is very important to have a total body point when a person is speaking to you, so that you would listen to him/her completely and also, the person would feel good.
5. Subjugating gestures
These are the gestures which are opposite to the dominating gestures. Where palm down is a dominating gesture , palm up is a subjugating one. If we show any authoritative gesture in a conversation the person who is speaking might feel lack of respect. Few dominating gestures are : Cowboy cross sitting, Hands behind head, Legs on chairs or table etc.
1. Smirk
This is one look we are very familiarised with . So, now that we know, how does it feel to see on others face, let us avoid doing the same with others. The smirk or contempt is a sign we feel superior or others are inferior to us, So, better avoid this face in any conversation.
2. Using the phone
Using the phone during a conversation symbolizes absence of respect. It is very simple, as if you are saying, I have better things on my phone than what you are speaking. So, even if it is a child you are speaking to just put the phone aside when you are listening to them. They would feel you are actually interested in what they are saying.
3. Shifty Eyes
If we are not interested in the person we tend to look here and there. On the opposite, if we maintain eye contact it means we are interested in the person. Some people are just habituated of having shifty eyes while talking, but you need to understand that an unknown person would not know your behaviour. So, avoid shifty eyes.
4. Fidgeting
Fidgeting is a big NO NO , when it comes to any conversation. If you are continuously shaking your legs, or tapping on the table, the person whom you are talking to will know you are not interested in the conversation. If you are really restless and can't help it, try flexing your toes inside the shoes, or stretching the fingers ( closing up the fist and opening it up).
5. Using manipulators
Manipulators should not be confused with fidgeting. Manipulators include gestures like adjusting collars or sleeves, scratching or wiping face, picking up imaginary lint from the dress etc. The more you use manipulators the less confident you look.
And finally one thing to say, if it is your employee, a child, or even a stranger, paying respect to everyone will fetch us respect.
Like they say, Give respect , get respect.