Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Why women like money and men like beauty?

We often hear that women are after money and men after beauty. Sometimes we think, it's a myth, sometimes we think, it's true. In this article, we will know, how the beauty and money are important from evolutionary perspective. What was the time then, how it has changed now.

Men & Beauty

The man has always wanted his species ( in this case, his genes) to survive. He has a tendency to compete in order to survive and then look for more and more ways to flourish his generation. When we think about a healthy woman, everything counts. Thick ,long, lustrous hair, clean and crisp nails, fuller cheeks and lips, internally and externally fit and flexible, blemish free and glowing skin; everything contributes to become a healthy woman, what we call "Beautiful". This woman compared to any other woman with problems is more likely to bear and therefore deliver a healthy offspring of the man. Therefore, a man runs after beauty to make sure his genes are present for a long period in the earth. Sounds, really funny but it's true. Since, we are very much learned and sophisticated now, the delivery of healthy offspring has taken a back-step and running after beauty is purely subconscious.

Women and Money

Before homo sapiens (now we are homo sapiens sapiens), during our hunters and gatherers phase, women started to remain inside to take care of off springs. At this point, the looks or the beauty of male was superseded by a new thing- food. The one who provides more food, was the one to mate,since he can get the woman and her offspring, food, which was very important to survive. The only thing woman cared about is food. That food is now replaced by money. Money, with which, a woman can buy food and every other thing is therefore more important for her over looks and beauty.

How much of this is true today?

Today, we have reached in a time, where women in larger numbers have started to work, therefore the idea of chasing beautiful woman and a wealthy man seems redundant. In fact,beauty has been ignored and the only thing important for survival is money. Given that, we are in a time, where almost every physical or mental problems can be solved through medical supplies, injections or even surgery, the flourishing of own species (genes) is not important. However, few sections of society where women are sill expected to be home, beauty is given a lot of importance .

So, if money is being given a lot of importance, that's because of Darwin's theory of evolution, "Survival of the fittest".

Stay tuned.